Thursday, 16 September 2010

The next set of thougts

Giving blood
So I've always wanted to give blood, the thought of helping another person out by giving my blood is quite appealing. However, I have never got round to doing it. That is until I got here to south america and I have become a regular blood the f*****g mossis Not even been here 2 weeks and I have been bitten over 30 times. The mossis have turned me into their bitch and I'm itching hard!

Massive crab
Something I forgot to mention on my last blog update was the showdown I had with possibly the biggest crab ever seen to man. Late one night in ilah grande me and adam were walking back from having a few cheeky beers on the beach. We saw what looked like a massive rock and felt the urge to kick it. Upon closer inspection we realized it was a crab. Wielding one ginormous claw and one small claw. Fascinated by it but in a slightly drunken manner I decided to get close and personal with it. Imagine a steretypical Mexican accent goin 'hey amigo what the f**k you looking at?' well this is what I imagined it was saying to me anyway. It kept raising it claws at us almost like it was giving us the rods. This led me to asking it if it had a liscene to carry such a large weapon, the response was no in crabbish so, being the mature guy that I am I removed it's claw and told the now clawless crab I would look after it until it was a little more responsible and well mannered!

Hypnotic water
Arriving in iguazu on the brazillian, Argentinian boarder we have been lucky enough to see possibly one of the coolest natural things This planet has to offer. The waterfalls here are unbelievable, the photos already on facebook do not do them justice. The sheer quantity and vastness of the falls are enough to give you goosebumps. There is a saying that you can't leave  the falls being depressed because they just 
 make you happy, a statement I can believe until i asked about if people commit suicide here by jumping in to the falls, which the answer was yes. So obviously not true for everyone.

Something megabus should learn from
The propsect of a 20 hour long bus ride is never something you look froward to. A 4 hour bus ride from Sheffield to London can feel like touture. However this is not the case in Argentina, a full cooked meal, free beer, free bubbly and near fully reclining chairs with ample leg room is enough to set you up for these long rides. Flat screen TVs and blankets are just the added bonus. If all of that isn't enough then you can always rely on a good old game of ispy to pass the time

Winding Swiss people up also passes time
Sat across from a Swiss girl on the bus down to buenos aires turned out to be quite funny for me and Adam. Whilst talking our usual shit to each other we soon managed to her engage in our coversations. Something I guess she is regretting now. Enquiring about nick names she wanted to know what me and Adam were known as by nicnames. Adam convinced her I was victor as in victor meldrew as I'm always complaining apparently, however I ensured she believed Adam was called an arse hole by everyone back at home- she was loving the B-anter. Until she told us she is known as "big octopus" by her friends...something that kept us tickled for a while...silly Swiss people.

St Christopher
Now south America is a heavily religious place with catholism being the national religion. Now not being overly religious my self I am however catholic and I know tha a geeza called saint christopher is the saint of safe travel, ironic that the taxi driver in buenos aires had a image of st chris hanging from his mirror but drove like a f*****g maniac- either that or he genuinly believes t'old st chris will keep him safe even when cutting up busses and other heavy goods vehicles .

Arriving in buenos airies you can't help bu notice the sheer poverty some people live in, always an eye opener for me. Leading to a more cautious and suspicious attitude from both of us, it is hard to see and even harder not to become snobby/appriciative of what we have back at home.

So the Argie bargies are renowned for their steak, something I have been desperate to sample for a while now. This desire has been settled with the amazing creation of a all you can eat steak house. All food and all beers for 70 pasos basically just under 15quid. We have absolutley smashed the fattest steaks and beef joints known to man, concluding that Argentinian beef is simply delicious!- especially win you can just keep going back for more!!

Point of thought
So everyone knows that south America is unbelievably passionate about football, this is no suprise- however what has opened my eyes is that in brazil amongst the dirty over crowded multi towering shacks in the favellas, where space seems so precious they litrally build on top of each other, on the steepest of cliffs. there was always a decent sized well laid out football field, weather on grass or gravel next to the favellas. I guess football is a social communal activity that requires a greater priority over having enough room for compared to he need for more spacious living areas?

Next stop Bolivia 
X x x  

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