Hello my little blog following people!
Welcome to my Blog. The place where I am going to try and keep you all up to date with what is going to be happening over the next year. Hopefully I will be able to share my expereinces in a light hearted way and make you all chuckle a few times along the way. I will still be contactable through Facebook but who knows how often I will be near a computer.
So basically I'm sure you all know by now that I will be traveling around the world with Adam, Departing from the UK on the 6th September flying from that new big terminal in London to Rio. - We have already been checking out what films are going to be playing on the flight, so far I can not wait to watch Titanic and 2012....this is going to be a long flight!
Also the promise of a free bar for the whole journey will definatly help...although turning up drunk in a south american country with absolutley no knowledge of the place definatly aint the best idea ever...but how else am I going to put up with Adam for this long?

Our plans are ridiculouly hectic especially for South America (see the map to the right of this), some how we have to travel through Brazil, Paruaguay, Uruaguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Chille in 8 weeks by using the best public transport we can find...it will definatly be an eye opener. Despite this, however, Adam believes I desperatly need to work on my negotiation skills so I look forward to the prospect of haggling with the locals on how much it will cost to sleep in cocroach infested dorms...whilst sharing with 20-30 other people. Anyway South America will take up the first 8 weeks of our travels, of which, we are booked on to do the Inca Trail treck in Peru or Para? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKFjWR7X5dU
The next leg of our trip takes us to New Zealand where we will be spending 4 weeks traveling from the North Island down to South Island- in a pimped up rust bucket campervan, Sharing a double bed with Adam in the back of this campervan will undoubtably be the highlight of the trip for me...can't wait for your crepping hands to go venturing again...Glacier hikes, bunjee jumping and general scene taking in is the plan for NZ. I love the idea that apparently in NZ once you leave the major cities the roads become pretty deserted and you can drive for miles without passing another car...The idea of NZ is to basically head for the horizon and see where it takes it, there is no fixed agenda, just me, Adam and the road...the possibilites are endless but this is one of the parts of the trip that I am most looking forward too.
We arrive in Australia on the 2nd December, where we will aim to find smewhere to live and start planning the big Xmas BBQ that we are going to have - Adam is convinced it's all about having shrimp but personally I fancy a nice big bbq'd fillet steak on the beach...maybe whilst wearing a santas outfit? Hopefully we will find some casual work for aus saving enough to head out to fiji for a couple of weeks to spend a romantic honeymoon style holiday together...yeaaaaaa
Also with 6 months we should be able to do all the other things that your supposed to do whilst your down under (no pun intended!)
Flying into Bangkok around May next year we will somehow try and navigate a route that will take us through thailand, laos, cambodia and vietnam but that is a long way away anything could happen by then.
To prove how sad I am, at the time of writing this "updated" initial blog post there is only 4 months 22days left until we ransack the duty free shops of Terminal 5!
I wish my dissertation was as easy to write as this...hopefully you will keep in touch with me, either through this blog or the usual facey B banter.
Finally if any of you reading this have never seen these two clips then you just simply have to. They are two of the most inspirational things I have ever watched and definatly things that have spurred me on to go traveling. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I have. They really show off what this crazy world has to offer!